How to reset size and position of Registry Editor window in Windows 10

This tutorial will show you how to reset the size and position of the Registry Editor window in Windows 10. Each time the user closes the Windows Registry Editor window, the operating system remembers its size, position, and the open registry key. Thanks to this, Registry Editor restores the last session on the next start, even after restarting the computer. Continue reading “How to reset size and position of Registry Editor window in Windows 10”

How to turn off OneDrive notifications On This Day

You can turn off OneDrive notifications on this day in Windows 10 if you find them annoying or useless. The OneDrive cloud storage client preinstalled in Windows 10 has many cool features for working with user photos. One of these functions is called “On This Day”. It displays a notification with photos taken on the current day a year ago. This is a great feature overall, but it can annoy the user with constant notifications while working, playing, studying or during any other task. If you want to turn off “On This Day” notifications in OneDrive, this tutorial will show you how to do it.

Continue reading “How to turn off OneDrive notifications On This Day”

How to change the city location for News and Interest weather forecast

This tutorial will show you how to change the city location for News and Interest weather forecast in the Windows 10 taskbar. The News and Interests panel, which came with Windows 10 with the May OS updates, offers not only a lot of useful information, but also quite good flexibility in terms of settings. Users can personalize the panel to suit their needs and preferences, select different blocks of information, and change the language of the displayed content. Continue reading “How to change the city location for News and Interest weather forecast”

How to change the news language in the News and Interests panel

In this tutorial, you will learn how to change the news language in the News and Interests panel for the displayed content and its sources. The News and Interests panel, which came with Windows 10 with the May OS updates, offers not only a lot of useful information, but also quite good flexibility in terms of settings. Users can personalize the panel to suit their needs and preferences, select different blocks of information, and change the language of the displayed content. Continue reading “How to change the news language in the News and Interests panel”

How to reduce updates of the News and Interests panel in Windows 10

You can reduce updates of the News and Interests panel, which can be useful to save traffic and system resources in general. The May updates for Windows 10 added a new “News and Interests” panel to the current versions of the operating system from Microsoft. It is located on the taskbar and displays the weather forecast by default. Hovering over or clicking opens a panel with news headlines, weather forecast, traffic jams, exchange rates and other useful information. Continue reading “How to reduce updates of the News and Interests panel in Windows 10”

Make News and Interests Widget Links Open in Chrome or Other Browser

How to make News and Interests widget links open in Chrome or another Browser.

In Windows 10 21286, Microsoft has added a new News and Interests widget to the taskbar. If you hover the mouse over it, a window with a news feed  dynamically updated throughout the day will open. The widget can be easily hidden by selecting the News and interests -> Hide option in the context menu of the taskbar. If you find it useful, you may be upset that all feed links open in the built-in Microsoft Edge browser, regardless of what is your default web browser. Continue reading “Make News and Interests Widget Links Open in Chrome or Other Browser”

Hide News and Interests on the Windows 10 taskbar

You can hide News and Interests on the Windows 10 taskbar using three methods reviewed in this tutorial. A few days ago, Microsoft announced that the News and Interests feature will be available to all Windows 10 users within a few weeks. Continue reading “Hide News and Interests on the Windows 10 taskbar”

How to enable or disable a scheduled task in Windows 10

This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable a scheduled task in Windows 10. Windows 10, like any other modern operating system, is extremely complex software with hundreds of background processes and tasks. There are many ways to manage these processes. The Task Scheduler is one such method. Continue reading “How to enable or disable a scheduled task in Windows 10”

How to turn off OneDrive syncing is paused notifications

You can turn off OneDrive syncing is paused notifications if they annoy you or you find them useless. If you have a Microsoft account and OneDrive cloud storage, the operating system in the background syncs your files and keeps them up to date. Under certain circumstances, this synchronization may be paused automatically by Windows. In this case, OneDrive will send you a notification.
Continue reading “How to turn off OneDrive syncing is paused notifications”

How to Disable Error Reporting on Windows 10

This tutorial will explain what is Error Reporting and how to disable Error Reporting on Windows 10. When an app or program crashes due to some error, Windows automatically registers this event. The the OS launches the standard Windows Error Reporting utility to generate a report. After that, it offers to send it to Microsoft servers. The log is not sent automatically. Moreover, most users prefer not to share information about software errors and would not mind disabling this function altogether. Continue reading “How to Disable Error Reporting on Windows 10”
