How to block third-party cookies in Microsoft Edge

You can block third-party cookies in Microsoft Edge for websites open by the current user, or block them for all users of your computer, to increase your browsing privacy.

Cookies are small files that websites need to obtain information about users and their device. Thanks to cookies, you don’t have to enter passwords on websites after every restart of your computer or browser. Cookies also help companies display ads that are relevant to you, rather than randomly generated banners. Continue reading “How to block third-party cookies in Microsoft Edge”

How to Disable Error Reporting on Windows 10

This tutorial will explain what is Error Reporting and how to disable Error Reporting on Windows 10. When an app or program crashes due to some error, Windows automatically registers this event. The the OS launches the standard Windows Error Reporting utility to generate a report. After that, it offers to send it to Microsoft servers. The log is not sent automatically. Moreover, most users prefer not to share information about software errors and would not mind disabling this function altogether. Continue reading “How to Disable Error Reporting on Windows 10”

How to Assign Hotkeys for Google Chrome Extensions

This tutorial will show you how to how to assign hotkeys for Google Chrome extensions. If you are an active user of Google Chrome extensions, and have a set of them, you may want to configure them to open them with keyboard shortcuts instead of constantly clicking on the button to the right of the address bar. Continue reading “How to Assign Hotkeys for Google Chrome Extensions”

Remove N first or last lines from text file in PowerShell

This tutorial will show you how to remove N first or last lines from text file in PowerShell. I will use PowerShell 7, in case of you are wondering what is my platform version. From time to time I have a task to remove N first or last lines from text file with variations. PowerShell is a helpful built in tool for such a task. It includes the range operator which can be of help here. Continue reading “Remove N first or last lines from text file in PowerShell”

How to automatically open a website on startup in Windows 10

You maybe wondering how to automatically open a website on startup in Windows 10? Usually, users are against the situation when some website appears open on its own after you sign in. But in some cases, it may be necessary to do that. For example, for corporate or educational purposes. Or you may need to automate visits to certain sites. Continue reading “How to automatically open a website on startup in Windows 10”

How to Run Local Group Policy Editor in Windows 10 Pro and Home

This tutorial will show you different ways to run Local Group Policy Editor in Windows 10 Pro and Home. Group Policy is a way to configure computer and user settings for devices that are joined to Active Directory Domain Services (AD) as well as local user accounts. Continue reading “How to Run Local Group Policy Editor in Windows 10 Pro and Home”

How to Change Icons of Folders in This PC on Windows 10

You can change change icons of folders in This PC on Windows 10, and this tutorial will guide you on how it can be done.

In Windows 8.1, Microsoft replaced libraries with the Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, and Videos folders added to the This PC location. The same set was inherited by Windows 10. Also, in the Fall Creators Update release, the 3D Objects folder was added, which the developers later abandoned. These folders are actually shortcuts to directories in the user profile. Continue reading “How to Change Icons of Folders in This PC on Windows 10”

How to turn off tab auto reload in Google Chrome

You can turn off tab auto reload in Google Chrome using a built-in tool or extensions from the Google Web Store. In recent versions of Google Chrome, the browser suspends (pause) and unloads inactive tabs by default. This results in the tab reloading when you return to the tab after some time. You can disable this tab reloading behavior in several ways. Continue reading “How to turn off tab auto reload in Google Chrome”

How to add Settings shortcut to Classic Control Panel in Windows 10

You can add a Settings shortcut to the classic Control Panel in Windows 10. The Settings app appeared in the initial version of Windows 10, released in 2015. Since then, the classic Control panel applets have been slowly migrating to the Settings interface, while the control panel has gotten less powerful. Continue reading “How to add Settings shortcut to Classic Control Panel in Windows 10”

How to open Registry Editor in Windows 10 and how to use regedit

This tutorial will show you how to open Registry Editor in Windows 10, and how to use the regedit.exe app. Often the tips on our site are related to the Windows 10 Registry and Registry Editor. What exactly is the Registry and what is regedit? Those familiar with Windows for years need no explanation, but most new Windows 10 users will find this post helpful. Continue reading “How to open Registry Editor in Windows 10 and how to use regedit”
