Change Wi-Fi network priority in Windows 10

Let’s see how to change Wi-Fi network priority in Windows 10. The transition from the Classic Control Panel to the modern Settings application was generally a good exception for the convenience of working with popular system settings. Unfortunately, the settings migration process has been going on for six years now, and many controls are still buried in the bowels of Windows 7.

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Delete File When Path Too Long or Name Ends with Dots or Space

How to delete a file with a too long path or its name contains invalid characters. If you’re having trouble deleting a file that Windows thinks is “too long”, there is a very simple solution built right into Windows — no additional applications, hacks, or workarounds are required. Continue reading “Delete File When Path Too Long or Name Ends with Dots or Space”

How to Enable Long Path Support in Windows 10

You can enable enable Long Path Support in Windows 10. Starting in version 1607 ‘Anniversary Update’, the 260 character limitation for NTFS path length issue is resolved. That path length limitation has been present on Windows since very first versions.
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Remove Windows Terminal From Context Menu in Windows 10

You can Remove Windows Terminal from the Context menu in Windows 10. The “open in Windows Terminal” item appears there after installing the app from the Microsoft Store.

Now the command to launch the Windows Terminal app in an open directory is integrated directly into the context menu. All you need to do is right-click on an empty space or folder and select Open in Windows Terminal.

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How to Enable Go Back with Backspace in Firefox

How to enable Go Back with Backspace in Firefox. The Firefox browser allowed you to go to the previous page (back) using the Backspace keys. However, with the release of Firefox 86, this feature will become a thing of the past, as the developers will reassign the function of this button and leave it for use when editing text fields. In this tutorial, you will find instructions on how to enable backspace using the Backspace buttons in Mozilla Firefox.

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How to Disable Content Adaptive Brightness Control on Windows 10

You can now disable content adaptive brightness control on your display thanks to changes Microsoft made to displays settings in Windows 10. This tutorial will guide you how to get done this task.

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How to turn off Before you continue to YouTube message

You can turn off Before you continue to YouTube message if you are annoyed to see it every time you open YouTube in inPrivate window of Microsoft Edge or Incognito in Google Chrome. It shows that message in order to make the user to accept cookies. As private mode doesn’t store storage of cookies, this cookie consent message keeps popping out every time you load the site. Continue reading “How to turn off Before you continue to YouTube message”

How to Disable Reading List in Google Chrome

You can disable Reading List in Google Chrome if you don’t like it. On macOS and iOS, Safari and Microsoft Edge have a  Collections feature that lets you save pages and articles for later reading. This is a kind of analog of the Pocket service in Firefox, which does not require the installation of add-ons. Until recently, Google Chrome, the world’s most popular browser, did not have such features, but the developers are now actively working on the Reading List option. Continue reading “How to Disable Reading List in Google Chrome”

How to Add or Remove Search Tabs Button from Google Chrome

Here is how you can add or remove Search Tabs Button from Google Chrome.

With Google Chrome 89, the Mountain View based search giant brought a new feature to the browser. It now has a dedicated Search Tabs button in the titlebar. Google does a gradual roll-out, so it may not be visible right now in your browser. Continue reading “How to Add or Remove Search Tabs Button from Google Chrome”
