How to restart Firefox without closing tabs

How to restart Firefox without closing tabs.

There are many situations when you may want to restart the Firefox browser. For example, when you enable some option in the Firefox browser via about:config like the bookmarks bar only on the new tab page, you need to restart it. While you can close all tabs in Firefox and reopen the browser, there is an internal feature that will allow you to restart it with a couple of click.
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How To Disable or Enable A User Account in Windows 10

Windows 10 shows you a list of all user accounts available on your PC in the bottom left corner of the logon screen. You can click the user avatar, enter the password if necessary, and login using the provided credentials. If you have more than one user accounts on your PC, at times, you might want to disable a user account to restrict a user from accessing your PC.

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How To Disable Aero Snap In Windows 10

Windows 10 allows you to control the size and positioning of open windows better by dragging them to the edge of the screen. If you drag a window using its title bar to the top edge of the screen, it will be maximized. This post explains how to disable this feature. Continue reading “How To Disable Aero Snap In Windows 10”

Clear Desktop Background Wallpaper History in Windows 10

When you change the desktop wallpaper, Windows remembers the file name and path of the last five wallpapers. The Choose your picture box on the Personalize page in Settings displays their thumbnail images. First thumbnail image is your the current background, followed by thumbnails of previous four wallpapers. This post explains how to remove previously used desktop background images history in Windows 10.

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Enable Ask before closing all tabs in Microsoft Edge Chromium

How to enable Ask before closing all tabs in Microsoft Edge Chromium.

You can now enable a confirmation dialog when you close all tabs in Microsoft Edge Chromium. A similar option was available the legacy Edge app. Finally it has become available in the actual Edge version. Continue reading “Enable Ask before closing all tabs in Microsoft Edge Chromium”

Remove Edge Tabs from Alt+Tab in Windows 10

How to Remove Edge Tabs from Alt+Tab in Windows 10.

Starting in Windows 10 version 20H2, Microsoft Edge Chromium is deeply integrated with the OS. Windows 10 lists its tab in the Alt+Tab experience like regular windows, allowing to directly go to a tab. However, there are two methods to disable this behavior. Continue reading “Remove Edge Tabs from Alt+Tab in Windows 10”

Show Firefox Bookmarks toolbar only on New Tab Page

Here’s how you can show the Firefox Bookmarks toolbar on New Tab Page only.

The Firefox browser allows you to only show the Bookmarks toolbar on the New Tab page only. This useful option is available in Firefox 84, but it is hidden.

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Disable Captive Portal in Firefox and Connection to

Here’s why Firefox is making connections to on start

Some Firefox users noticed that the browser establishes connections to the web site. Here’s why and how to prevent it from that behavior. Continue reading “Disable Captive Portal in Firefox and Connection to”

What is the DiskUsage tool in Windows 10

What is the DiskUsage tool in Windows 10 (diskusage.exe).

Windows 10 to get a built-in disk space analyzer tool, named DiskUsage. It is already available for testing in pre-release builds, starting in build 21277.

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