Enable Chrome Actions in Google Chrome 87

How to Enable Chrome Actions in Google Chrome 87

The recent release of Chrome 87 is all about new features, improved performance and improved memory handling. Chrome Quick Actions is one of the new features in the browser. This feature allows you to quickly access a number of browser settings and utilities right from the address bar without opening your privacy and security settings. Continue reading “Enable Chrome Actions in Google Chrome 87”

Disable Extensions Toolbar Button in Google Chrome

How to Disable Extensions Toolbar Button in Google Chrome, works in Google Chrome 87

Some time ago, Google added a new toolbar button to Chrome that hides extension icons from the toolbar in the menu. This is now enabled by default. Instead of adding them to the right of the address bar, extensions are now listed in this menu. Today we are going to take a look at a working method to disable the Extensions toolbar button in Google Chrome.

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Enable and Use Tab Search in Microsoft Edge

How to enable the Tab Search Feature in Microsoft Edge and use it

Microsoft is constantly making tab management better in their Edge browser. The Edge team have enabled the new Tab Search feature that allows you to quickly find an open tab in the current browser window. Continue reading “Enable and Use Tab Search in Microsoft Edge”

Export PowerShell Command History To a File

How to Export PowerShell Command History to a File

PowerShell is saving every single command you execute in its console. Its history is limited by 32767 items, which is a huge number. It is very convenient, as it allows going to any of your previous commands to execute it one more time, or modify and run it.

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How to Search with Screenshot in Windows 10 Start Menu

How to Search with a Screenshot in Windows 10 Start Menu

Windows 10 has a useful option that allows you to search for a screenshot of your desktop taken with the built-in Snip and Sketch app. The process is very convenient as it starts with one click. For the screenshot captured, Windows 10 will use Bing Visual Search to find similar images and display the results in Microsoft Edge.

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Fix Lenovo Camera Doesn’t Not Work in Windows 10

[Fixed] Lenovo Camera Not Working in Windows 10

If your Lenovo Camera doesn’t work on your Windows 10 laptop, it is easy to troubleshoot it. This tutorial expresses a number of methods you can use to get it fixed. Continue reading “Fix Lenovo Camera Doesn’t Not Work in Windows 10”

WordPad Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows 10

Wordpad is a very simple text editor, more powerful than Notepad, but less functional than Microsoft Word or LibreOffice Writer. It is suitable for creating a simple text document without complex formatting. The good thing about WordPad is that it’s a built-in Windows application and doesn’t need to be installed.
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How to Use Smart Copy in Microsoft Edge

How to Use Smart Copy in Microsoft Edge

Normally you will not always get what you copy when you paste in a web browser. The formatting may be lost. This can apply to text, images, and tables on the web page. Microsoft Edge now supports a new Smart Copy feature which formatting intact when you copy some text from a website and paste it into other programs like a text editor. Continue reading “How to Use Smart Copy in Microsoft Edge”

How to See if PC supports Mixed Reality in Windows 10

See if PC supports Mixed Reality in Windows 10

Windows has the holographic platform feature which has a special icon in the settings app. It is called mixed reality in actual Windows 10 releases. Here’s how you can tell if your Windows 10 PC is Mixed Reality capable. Continue reading “How to See if PC supports Mixed Reality in Windows 10”

How to Enable and Change Startup Sound in Windows 10

How to enable and change the startup sound in Windows 10

Unlike Windows XP and Windows 7, Windows 10 has the system startup sound turned off by default. This is done to speed up the boot process and save battery power. However, many users want to enable the startup sound to make the OS more fancier.

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